About me

Jonathan Rosso
As a seasoned music producer with over 15 years of experience, I am confident in my ability to bring your musical vision to life. With a bachelor's degree in music production and a master's degree in audiovisual media, I have honed my skills and knowledge to deliver exceptional results. My passion for music and dedication to my craft has led me to work with a diverse range of artists and genres, allowing me to develop a unique approach to each project. Whether you are looking to record, mix, or master your music, I am committed to providing a professional and personalized service that exceeds your expectations. Let's work together to create something truly special.
What does 1017 mean?
1017 has no actual meaning for me as a number, nor a time stamp. Putting these numbers together resembles the Hebrew letters "רוסו" which is how I write my last name in my native language.
In case you are a band - I got you covered! - Valley Sound Studios is available for us! This is a magical studio in the heart of Borlänge that houses extremely beautiful microphones, preamps, compressors and equalizers, and even a very cool collection of DW drums in various sizes.
I just love recording there! Contact me for price!